The torque sensor on some Biktrix eBikes is integrated into the bottom bracket of the bike. If this part fails replacement may be necessary to regain your pedal assist capabilities.
Tools required:
8mm Allen Key
15mm Flat Wrench
Crank Arm Puller
Bottom Bracket Removal Tool
For some Swift models you may need 2 of these
Ratchet/Breaker bar/adjustable wrench for use with Bottom Bracket Removal Tool
Large Adjustable Wrench
Having two of these can make the job easier!
Wire Hook
Wire Snips/Cutters for zip-ties
Replacement Zip Ties
Bike Parts Grease (Biktrix recommends Park Tool Polylube 1000 - #PPL-1)

Step 1
Remove the chain from the chainring. To do this shift the bike to the largest gear. Push the derailleur forward. Then remove the chain from the chainring of the bike taking advantage of that slack.